Thursday 8 October 2020

Life Down Wattle Lane v2 - Getting A Shake On

How do you greet someone with Parkinson's?... What's shakin'?


I try to stay positive and have a good sense of humour about having Parkinson's, there surely are some funny moments.

I'm really enjoying they Jack Sparrow swagger. Although I feel like I'm being short changed as I'm missing all the fun and game's of getting the swagger. For me it just comes on anytime anywhere.

Today I was at PaknSave and my right foot was starting to drag, scuffing the shoe along the ground as I walked. The first thing that came to mind was "Pull yourself together, I don't want to be here either" then I got the giggles. 

Another time, I was with a specialist, and I was demonstrating with my right shaking hand how I could no longer brush my teeth as I'm unable to maintain a steady hand motion. WELL...LOL it dawned on me how it might bloody look from the otherside!! The specialist didn't need a blowjob demonstration!! He maintained a straight face, but I was so embarrassed! Better work stories right?! By the way I've taught myself to brush my teeth normally with my left hand!

Walked into door at hospital in front of Dr.

Stumbled through door at a reception startling the receptionist.

Losing balance at checkout.

All these funny episodes give me the giggles... how else can I react?

So if you see me having one of my moments, possibly with the giggles, just remember I live my life like 007, Shaken... not stirred. 

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