Sunday 30 May 2021

Life Down Wattle Lane v2 - The Big Rain

For the last week we've been receiving warnings about this big rain event. It started raining Friday  night and is supposed to continue through to Monday middayish. So far it's  been steady, and of moderate intensity. We've had heavier rainfall in Kaiwaka but in shorter durations... not over 3 days.

I haven't been too concerned as we have built 950mm above ground level and the requirement was to build 400mm above ground level to ensure we are safe from a 1 in 200 year rainfall event.

Well we are half way through the 1 in 100 year rainfall event and we are watching the creek closely. At a guess the water can still rise 2 more feet before we experience any issues.

I'm not worried about the house but just the sheep. Our land is flat, but we have built up a couple dirt mounds... our "sheep hills" to move the sheep onto in case of widespread flooding.

So fingers crossed the creeks stay within the creek.

