Tuesday 2 April 2024

Life Down Wattle Lane v2 - Preparation for Arapawa Lambs Sale

Our Arapawa Lambs are now 4 months old and it's time to get them ready for sale and rehoming.

We've already weaned off and separated the ram lambs from the main flock as they had started to annoy the Mumma ewes. The Mumma ewes are also starting to walk away from the ewe lambs when they try to feed. The Mummas have had enough.

Before we Iist them for sale they all will be drenched, feet checked and bottoms tidied up if required. 

I also like to introduce the lambs to sheep pellets and hay. So when they are rehomed it's a bit easier for the new owners.

Today it was back to school with the Mumma ewes showing the lambs how it's done!