Tonight I'm completely exhausted. Knackered actually. It's been all go since back in July, but the last 7 days has been extra challenging.
Late last week, we had to pay the deposit to SIT (Southern Institute of Technology) for the new house, this was due Friday. Long story short, I paid SIT lawyers directly instead of paying our lawyers to pay SIT lawyers. I jumped a step and SIT lawyers got very upset, concerned that I was money laundering etc. I said, "just refund me the deposit" but noooo... (sarcasm intended) they couldn't do that. They wanted to charge me $287 to verify us and our id. At this point I threw my toys out of the cot, and I let them know it. They finally agreed to waive the fee, and I supplied id that was previously verified by our lawyers. All should have been sorted, but then the SIT lawyers the came back requesting further id, including a copy of my eftpos card. I think my words were, "this is bloody ridiculous, do you not want to sell the bloody house or not?" Now I had already thrown my toys out of the cot, so I threw Gary's toys out of the cot too. I sent a hotly worded email, copying in our lawyers, saying "I just can't deal with you anymore, I'm so bloody mad, Gary will have to take over from here" Lucky for Gary, our lawyers stepped in and took over, saying that they didn't require any further id, and they will sort it out. The whole thing was just stupid, but boy it wound me up. This last paragraph is a very brief version of the events, I am getting wound up again thinking about it. I have no issues with SIT, but I do have issues with their lawyers.
Cat vs Dog
On Saturday, my nephew accidentally let Max out of the caravan, and my uncles dog (Monty) was visiting that same day. Unfortunately Monty doesn't like cats so chased after him. We were all yelling and trying to catch Monty, but after about 2 circuits around the caravan Monty came running out from under the caravan with Max hot on his tail. For a quick moment I felt proud of my boy, taking on a dog. I managed to grab Max from behind and run him back into the caravan, all the while Max chomped down on my thumb! He got me good, and boy did it bleed. Monty was spared that day. The only blood spilt that day was mine and Max was wearing some of it. I called the afterhours medical clinic, and they advised to come in within 6 hours as I really needed to get some antibiotics asap. We all know where a cat's mouth has been and I didn't want to be dealing with an infection on top of everything else, so I didn't delay.

Insurance companies... need I say anything more about that. What I will say, if we can get the claim approved, it will give me more time before I need to consider going back to work, which gives me more time to get onto a medication regime that works for me. Living with Parkinson's has its challenges. I'm becoming very self conscious about my shakes. The medication I am on really is not working. Balance is becoming more of an issue, as I get the wobbles more frequently. Tonight, in the caravan I ended up on my arse. That was a first! I'm really not sure what happened I was trying to walk from the lounge area to the bedroom and then I started falling backwards, and couldn't save myself, as my reactions were to slow (due to Parkinson's). Balance seems to be more of an issue in enclosed spaces.
So it's been a trying time this last week, but things are progressing with the build... I'll update again shortly on how the barn conversion is looking, and we just had the scrape done.
There will still be a few more bends in the road ahead, but you just have to keep on truckin.
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