Sunday 28 August 2016

Hoofing Around!

We've just had another beautiful weekend in paradise, a little windy on Saturday, but a perfect 10 out of 10 on Sunday. To score a perfect 10, for me the perfect day is when the is sky is blue with puffy white clouds with little to no wind, and warm enough to be outside in shorts and t shirt. I really couldn't have asked for a better day, very satisfying.

But there was no time to be sitting around, as always there is lots to do on the block.

First thing Saturday morning, well after a cooked breakfast, thank you Gary, I hitched up the trailer to the car and headed off to Carter's in Mangawhai for some timber followed by a trip to the quarry for some gravel.

My main goal for the weekend was to build a pen so we can round up the sheep, so I am able to check up on them from time to time, keeping a close on their health and wellbeing.  

We had some help on Saturday with Geoff popping up to help out.  So with Gary preparing lunch and afternoon tea... including a beautiful sponge cake, and Geoff's extra pair of hands, we had the pen built in one day.

Sunday morning I played Shepherd and rounded up the three girls into the pen. Then with my new sheep hoof trimmers I started giving my three girls a pedicure, their hoofs were well overgrown and curled inwards... I must say bloody hard work, and glad we only have three sheep to start with, but I hope they appreciate the trim, and most were patient with me. The white faced sheep in the second photo below, was very good, she tends to be the braver sheep of the three.


In a couple weeks I will try to tidy up their crutch area... I'll give the girls a break after their big pedicure this weekend. I don't want to freak them out too much.

Thank you Geoff & Gary for your help... we really achieved a lot this weekend, it's very satisfying come Sunday evening to see how much was completed in two days.

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