Sunday 17 October 2021

Life Down Wattle Lane v2 - Thou Shalt Remain Nameless

I need to start with the back story... so you too can feel what I felt at the time.

With age, Max has become more of an indoor cat, so he doesn't get outside much to wear down his claws by scratching on a tree or the like. So his claws get caught easily in the duvets or blankets etc. I have trimmed them but neither Max or myself enjoy the experience.

So I had been on the lookout for an indoor scratcher for him.

I found good online reviews for a scratcher from Kmart, and it was low for our old boy, so I was eager to buy, and it was about 2 or 3 weeks before I finally made it to Kmart.

So today I purchased this long awaited cat scratcher and put it in place, ready for Max to use.

Now the 1st "person" who took an interest in the cat scratcher shall remain nameless. 

Now it wasn't a case of it being in the way, so it could be tripped over on.

I also clearly said several times over... "Don't Stand On It!".

I wasn't yelling, but on the cusp of it.

Next minute... I hear a loud "CRACK"! 

"I bloody told you not to stand on it!" "You never listen to me" and I went on with my tirade... it was such an effort to get it in the first place, and Max hadn't even played with it and it is now broken! I was pissed off!!!!

Max can still use the scratcher,  but it is not often Max gets new a toy. Perhaps an over reaction on my part for a $5 toy for Max, however... 

GARY owes Max a new cat scratcher.

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