Sunday 11 June 2017

It's Twins

We woke to a beautiful Saturday morning, so I was eager to get up and get outside.  Now that winter has arrived the days are short and you have to make the most of a sunny day.  My chores start with feeding the animals but little did I know today things were going to be a bit different. I first feed the chickens and then I feed the sheep. For the sheep I lay out some hay and sprinkle sheep pellets on top, by this time my little friend leads the flock and it takes only a couple of minutes before they are running towards me at as if they were running in the 100m sprints.  If only it was that easy to get them in their pen. As they chow down on their breakfast I do a quick count up to make sure all 15 sheep are there... but today I could only see 14 sheep. Once, twice and a third time, I still only count 14 sheep, I was becoming a tad annoyed blamming the sheep for not standing still as I counted. I quickly glanced around the paddock and over on the far side of the paddock I could see the missing sheep number 15, and then number 16 & 17! We have twins!  I wasn't expecting lambs until July, so June babies are quiet a surprise.

It was interesting to see how the other sheep reacted when the mother and her babies reunited with the flock. There was a lot of staring at the new born lambs and even a few backwards steps when the lambs walked towards an individual sheep. There was a weird atmosphere in the paddock that morning. As for myself, I was super excited, the first newborns we've had on location, down wattle lane. Awesome! 2 healthy little lambs.

I think there are another 5 ewes pregnant... so watch this space.

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