Friday 21 November 2014

You're Not A Lifestyle Blocker Unless You Have Chickens!

We Have Chickens! 

Three Beautiful Gold Lace Wyandotte Pullets!

I choose the Gold Lace Wyandotte not just based on how pretty they are, a little thought went into my decision.  Online articles mentioned that they are a good hardy breed, good natured hens which can lay up to 200 eggs per year per hen and people also commented that they are a good chicken for a first timers, perfect for the back yard. The pretty feathers are just a bonus!

But firstly... we needed a new home for our brood of hens. I think that is what you call it when you have a group of hens? I'm sure the 3 young ladies just qualifies for that.

Using left over timber from the various projects, fence, house and the garden shed we've built a nice little dwelling for our hens.  

Also I fitted some wheels so we can move the cage about to new patches of grass. The wheels are from an old lawnmower which I had saved thinking they might useful someday. So I didn't need to purchase too much in the way of materials which is good, as these 3 hens where not cheap.

I purchased the hens from a couple different breeders, and I won't say what I paid for them (to avoid getting into trouble)... but let's just say there is great demand for the Gold Lace Wyandotte.  Here's hoping they start to lay some Golden Eggs to recover my investment, although I think I need a goose for that.

I digress... the chook house pictures are below, basically I just worked from ground up, with no real set plans.

My only concern is getting the hens to walk up the steps into the house, some training might be required for that. Any tips would be much appreciated.

One Happy Hen... I hope she is happy... there are two more little ones, I will upload some pictures when I have them, at the moment I'm just letting them to get to know each other, so have them in separate cages before putting them together. 

Ohh... and it seems the Turkey's have been busy too... showing off 5 little ones this spring.



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